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Maths @ Granby
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At Granby, we love maths! We aim to create maths lessons where children enjoy challenges, take risks, and feel safe to make mistakes.
Our maths lessons are underpinned by:
- a focus on fluency to build confidence in key skills
- use of manipulatives to build understanding and make mathematical connections
- mathematical talk - use mathematical vocabulary with confidence to explain our learning
Granby Rockstars League 2024!
Mr Gibson is running our rockstars league across school. Every fortnight, there will be a class vs. class battle and the top 5 most valuable players announced in assembly.
The next battles will be announced soon!
Mr Gibson is also kindly offering 2 drop in Rockstars clubs for children who cannot play at home!
NSPCC Rocks 2024!
On Friday 2nd February, Granby was taken over by rockstars to celebrate number day! The children and adults dressed as rockstars and took part in our children vs. adults Times Table Rockstars battle throughout the day! And the winner was....
The adults! However, it was a close contest and everyone played brilliantly!
There were some outstanding performances by the children with the top 3 scoring incredible points.
1st place: Jack H in year 4 with 4186 points!
2nd place: Josh H in year 4 with 2553 points!
3rd place: Dylan K in year 5 with 2304 points!
Maths week November 2023
On the week of the 13th-18th November, over 60 year 5 and 6 children took part in the maths challenge! We were so pleased to see so many children get involved!
Well done to our joint winners Oliver S in year 6 and Christian C in year 5 who both scored 16! Prizes and certificates are on their way to you both!
Maths Week 2022
On the 14th to 18th November 2022, there were lots of maths events going on to celebrate Maths Week!
Primary Maths Challenge
Last week, over 40 year 5 and 6 children took part in the Primary Maths Challenge on Monday 14th November. Thank you to Miss Shanahan for helping run the year 5 challenge so as many year 5s and 6s could take part!
Our top 3 scorers came joint 1st and won a gold certificate are:
Harvey, Karl and Finley from year 6!
Look out for the First Maths Challenge later in the school year for years 3 and 4!
TTRS England Rocks
Last week we took part in Times Table Rockstars England Rocks!
Well done to 6O who came out as the top class in the school for England Rocks. I hope you enjoy your day as Rockstar VIPs. 6O came 639th out of over 28,000 classes who took part! A fantastic achievement.
Our individual England Rocks winners were:
1st place: Harvey with 21,703 point
2nd place: Max with 10,513 points
3rd place: JF with 4,891 points
STEM club
During Autumn 2 and Spring 1, Mrs Godson will be running our STEM club! Each week will focus on a different aspect of STEM. Look out for the mathematics sessions led by Mrs Oldrini - think code-breaking and escape rooms!
Due to overwhelming interest we have split the sessions into 2 half terms to ensure everyone who wants to can attend! The autumn sessions will be for years 3 and 4 and spring sessions for 5 and 6!
Here are some pictures of our maths STEM club session. We played maths games of strategy to look for patterns and to help develop logical thinking!
Granby Academy
This term during Granby Academy we have been focusing on basic algebra. We have loved exploring number in a different way and using team work to solve problems. We looked at how shapes/pictures can replace a number, exploring all the possibilities to solve an equation.
It has been wonderful to hear all the mathematical talk and reasoning taking place from all year groups!
Supporting maths at home
Here are some useful links to support your child with their learning at home:
Times Table Rockstars
We use Times Table Rockstars to support the teaching of multiplication tables at school. Rockstars sessions are set as homework. https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student
Hit the Button
This a fantastic game to help with number bonds, doubles, halves, times tables and division facts!
WhiteRose 1-minute maths App
This free app is excellent for supporting younger children with basic skills in maths such as subitising and mental additition and subtraction. https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/1-minute-maths