Going to school every day means:
We would like all children to aim for a personal attendance of 97% or more.
The school day begins at 8:55am and ends at 3:25pm. This totals 32.5 hours of learning each week.
Morning registration is 9:00am.Children attending after the register has been taken, are marked as late.
To help your child make the most of this time in school and obtain good attendance, you can:-
We celebrate good attendance by awarding a certificate to the class with the best attendance at our weekly assembly. We also rewarding children with certificates at our end of year Leavers service for children who have achieved 99% and 100% attendance. Those with 100% attendance also receive a gift voucher! We will report on attendance each term by sending home a 'herringbone' report and using our traffic light system to let you know if your child's attendance is good - green, worrying - amber, serious concern - red.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's attendance and how we can support them in school please speak to Mrs Frith, our Pupil Welfare Officer.