On behalf of all the staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Granby Junior School.
As Head teacher, I am delighted and proud to be part of this exciting community school. Granby is a welcoming place with children experiencing a varied and exciting range of learning opportunities in and out of the classroom, within and beyond the school day. Our partnership between home and school, as well as links with our Governors, local groups and other schools, allows us to support our children in their learning, enabling them to be the best that they can be.
Our children are fantastic; being polite, hardworking and fun to be with. We encourage self-confidence, independence and enjoy celebrating success. As a result, Granby Junior School is a wonderful place to work.
This area of our website will outline the main information that you and your child need to know before joining us in September. The wider website is also packed with useful information and photographs of some of the many exciting things which we have experienced and achieved. There are also some examples of the excellent work which is produced on a daily basis by the children at school.
We hope that this visit to our website will enable you to get a flavour of what our school is about and you will find the information that you need. However if not, please get in touch and we can deal with any queries in person.
Kind Regards
Mrs Caroline Rees
Head Teacher