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Autumn 1

Year 4 Autumn Term 1


By the end of Year 4 the children are expected to know and recall - at speed - all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. With this in mind, the Year 4 teaching team have decided that homework will focus on learning times tables. Times tables knowledge is often the foundations of maths and learning this makes a lot of other concepts in maths easier for the children.


 To ease the children in and to consolidate learning,  this half term we will be looking at times tables the children should already know from Year 3. The children will be tested on theses set times tables weekly and we would appreciate your support at home to practise these as much as possible.


Thank you for your support,

Miss Marshall, Miss Shanahan, Mr Benyon and Miss Shacklady.



Test Date  

Times Table  

Week 2

22nd September  

2 and 5 x table  

Week 3

29th September

2, 5 and 10 x table

Week 4 

6th October

3 x table   

Week 5 

13th October

4 x table  

Week 6  

20th October

3 and 4 x table

Week 7  


8 x table



To help the children learn particular times tables at home, the children can use our TT Rockstars platform. The children should have their Username and Password in their organiser. 
