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A typical school day

A typical school day


  • The school day begins 8.45 am for Years 3 and 4;
  • Lunchtime is from 12.15 to 1.15pm;
  • The school day ends at 3.15 pm;
  • Children in Year 3 will enter and leave the school by the lower gate on Heanor Road. This gate will be supervised by members of the Year 3 teaching team.

The first day....


The first day of school is usually a little different to make it easier for the children to settle in and to adjust to the new routines. Please bear with us whilst we finalise details for this year, taking into account the latest Covid safety recommendations.


School meals


Children can either have a school meal or bring in sandwiches from home. School meals are served and eaten in the hall, with a range of choices available each day including fruit and salad. Children who bring in a packed lunch eat this in the classroom nominated for their year group.


All children eat their school meal or sandwiches in a year group sitting. In order to be fair, the sittings are organised on a rota basis which changes weekly. Children are advised of the sitting for their year group by their teacher/the mid-day supervisor. This information is also posted on the Notices Board in the hall. 
