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Year 6

Spring 2022


For the whole of the spring term (until the Easter holidays) we will be studying Frozen kingdoms, which is all about the geography, science and history of the two polar regions: Antarctica and the Arctic.


Here is what we will be studying (your child also has a knowledge organiser that you can look at with them):


English: reports on the polar regions, diaries of Shackleton and Scott, persuasive writing (climate change letter), newspaper reports on Titanic, narratives (based on The Wolf Wilder novel by Katherine Rundell).

Maths: fractions/decimals/percentages, units of measurement, shape, algebra

Science: classification of living things, polar adaptation and evolution

Geography: map work (latitude, longitude, equator, polar regions, oceans), polar day/night, polar conservation, polar tourism, comparing oceans, physical features (icebergs, glaciers, mountains), indigenous people (Inuit), natural resources

History: achievements of explorers (RF Scott and Ernest Shackleton), the tragedy of Titanic 

RE: What difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa, Grace and Ummah?

DT: engineering (bridges)

PE: netball, lacrosse

PSHE: Money Matters (finance), Growing up (body image)

Computing: coding

Art: Inuit art, environmental art

3/12/21:Y6 are enjoying a wellbeing seminar this morning from the 'HOW' people!

We had a great time yesterday with a special visit from writer Billy Bob Buttons, who talked to us about life working as an author.

Black History Month - all week in guided reading sessions we've been learning about notable black figures who have achieved great things despite the challenges they faced. So far we have learned about Simone Biles (Olympic gymnast), Katherine Johnson (Nasa mathematician), Martin Luthor-King (civil rights activist) and Barack and Michelle Obama (presidential couple).

Welcome to Year 6 2021-22!

We're so excited to have you back and can't wait to see what this year brings for us at Granby! Our first topic will be Hola Mexico, starting later this week. Please look out for our sub page below to see what we'll be doing. Seesaw should be up and running soon so you can contact us directly with any issues. Your child has also been given their organiser which can be used for communication. Please have a look at the home-school agreement with our child and sign this agree that you will support their learning this year. Thanks!

Topic Overview for Y6 2021-2022


Autumn Term 1

Hola Mexico - geography of North America, history (Ancient Maya), music (tribal music - graphic scores), festivals (Dias los Muertos), food (Mexican dishes), science (light)


Autumn Term 2

Revolution (Victorians) - British history (slums, children in the mines, Queen Victoria's life), geography of the British Empire (including slave trade), industrial revolution, medicine (diseases and antiseptics), electricity, social reformers (Elizabeth Fry, Florence Nightingale, etc)


Spring Term 1

Frozen Kingdoms - history (Titanic, polar explorers), geography (polar regions), science (polar food chains 


Spring Term 2

Darwin's Delights - science (evolution, DNA, tree of life, fossils), history (Darwin's travels on the Beagle) geography (Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands), debates (animal rights)


Summer Term 1

Blood Heart - science (circulation, blood vessels, blood cells, blood types, blood donors), history (history of medicine - William Harvey), PSHE (healthy eating + exercise), dissecting a pig's heart


Summer Term 2

Gallery Rebels - art (various movements - impressionists, cubism, expressionism, etc), geography (galleries of the world), history (artists' biographies)

E-Safety: Y6-Screen Time

In Y6, we will be discussing what 'screen time' is and the dangers of too much of this. We explored activities we like to do that involve a device of some sort and also things we like to do which do not involve a screen. 


We looked at different signs that you have spent too long looking at a screen, including those from our own bodies and those from the world around us:

Signs from our bodies:Signs from the world around us:
sore eyesit's gone dark outside
headachebattery runs low
stiff neckdevice gets hot
hunger/thirstloss of time


We then discussed ways to address this and how to balance our screen time with other activities-such as meeting up with friends, having a break and grabbing a drink/snack and reading a book!

September 2021 E-Safety - we take online safety very seriously at Granby and in the first week of this term we will be doing some work with our Y6 children, reminding them how to stay safe online.
