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Pupil Voice Survey


Here are the key points which were highlighted from our pupil surveys given this year to complete in class. Overall, the survey found that the vast majority of pupils feel confident and safe during their PE lessons at Granby, favourite lessons included rounders, dodgeball and swimming, and almost three-quarters of our pupils would like to see Dan the Skipping Man in school again next year!


Miss Robinson has selected several key aspects of the survey to focus on addressing, please see how we plan to address them in the coming academic year (2018-19) below:

Q7 (and 8) The vast majority of our pupils have not attended, or no longer attend, the after school clubs currently on offer. The top reasons given when asked on Q8 were:

  • 'I already do one outside of school' (or similar response)
  • 'because there are not any I like' (or similar response)
  • 'It was a bit too expensive' (or similar response)
  • 'It got boring' (or similar response)


On other parts of the survey, dodgeball has continued to be a top interest of our pupils and so, in response to this, Miss Robinson will be offering a free Y3/4 Dodgeball Club in Aut 1 of the next academic year, a Y5/6 Dodgeball Club in Aut 2, before picking the girl's netball team back up in Spring 2 when the weather should be fine again :) Please keep an eye out for letters during the first week back in September if your child is interested in this!

Q11) Our whole-school Ultimate Dodgeball day will go ahead again this year towards the end of the final term. Y3/4 will compete against each other on one day, with Y5/6 competing on a seperate one. Class winners will earn a reward! It has been lovely to see that the enthusiasm for this has not dwindled!

Other imaginative ideas that were put forward by our pupils will be considered throughout the next academic year.
