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During this academic year (2016/17) we planned to use our funding to:

  • Fund membership of the Erewash Sports Partnership.  This membership enables us to enter a number of local sports competitions, provides a sports coach to run an after school club for a term, provides our upper key stage 2 pupils to become Sports Ambassadors and lead activities on the playground, and enables members of staff to access training.
  • Invest in extra swimming sessions for Year 6.   
  • Release our qualified swimming instructor for the year to take a swimming group in the afternoon. 
  • To provide supply cover to release our PE co-ordinator for sports events and Erewash Sports Partnership briefings).
  • To purchase scooter racks and cycle racks to encourage children to become active on the way to and from school.

See attached document for specific costings and expected impact. 


We also once again received the Sainsbury's School Games Silver Award following our Bronze Award last year. This has been due to a further increase in pupil numbers competing and participating in school sports!
