As a school governor is an unpaid voluntary position please note that the chair of governors email is monitored infrequently and only as required during term time hours.
If your email response is about an urgent matter or you expect a response within a specified time please use the standard route to contact governors through the school office at: or call the school office to notify them on: 01159 322 424
Many thanks in advance for your understanding.
Governor Vacancies
We have vacancies for a Community Governor and a Co-opted Governor. If you would be interested in this, please email Lauren Slater at
Composition of Governing Body:
Required by instrument |
| Current Composition |
Parent 4 |
| 4 Parent |
Staff (inc Head) 2 |
| 2 Staff (inc Head) |
LA 1 Co-opted Governor 2 9 |
| 1 LA 2 Co-opted 9 |
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Kate Kells.
You can contact her via email at
Our Vice Chair is Councillor J Dawson
SEN&D Governor - Mrs Kate Kells
Sports Premium Governor - Vacancy
Safeguarding Governor- Mrs Kate Kells
Pupil Premium Governor - Councillor J Dawson
Health and Safety Governor -
RSE Governor - Vacancy
Parent Governors - Mrs Karen Ennis, Mrs Damaqu Kareem, Mr Lee Brown
Staff Governors - Mrs C Rees, Mrs S Oldrini
LA Governor - Councillor J Dawson
Co-opted Governors - Mrs C McCondach, Mrs K Kells
Clerk to Governors - Miss L Slater
Name of Governor | Date of Appointment | Type of Governor | Term of Office | Appointed By | Business Interests | Any Governor Roles in other Institutions | Any relation to staff |
| Attendance FGB 2023/2024
| |
Kate Kells | 02/09/2022 | Co-opted | 02/09/2026 | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| 2/2 | |
James Dawson | 13/03/2023 | Co-opted Local Authority | 13/03/2027 | Governing Body | No | Chaucer Junior, Kensington, Charlotte | No |
| 1/2 | |
Caroline Rees | 01/09/2014 | Headteacher | N/A | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| 2/2 | |
Caroline McCondach | 01/09/2021 | Co-opted Staff | 01/09/2025 | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| 2/2 | |
Sarah Oldrini | 23/04/2024 | Unopposed Staff | 23/04/2028 | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| |
Lauren Slater | Clerk | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| 2/2 | |||
Karen Ennis | 01/04/2022 | Unopposed Parent | 01/04/2026 | Governing Body | No | Charlotte Infants | No |
| 2/2 | |
Damaqu Kareem | 31/03/2023 | Parent | 31/03/2027 | Governing Body | No | No | No |
| 2/2 | |
Lee Brown | 31/03/2023 | Parent | 31/03/2027 | Governing Body | No | No | No | 2/2 | ||
Vacancy |
| Governing Body |
*C/llr Dawson is a member of the Governing Body of Kensington Junior School, Chaucer Junior School and employee of the LA
*K Ennis is a governor at Charlotte Infant School.
Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months
Matthew Davies - 15th April 2024
The Governors have three subcommittees who address specific topics in relation to robust school improvement and finance.
The School Development and Innovation Committee (SDIC) comprise:
Mrs K Kells (Chair)
Mr J Dawson
Mrs C Rees
Mrs Damaqu Kareem
This committee's sole purpose is to drive forward the School Improvement Plan through robust monitoring and evaluation
The Resources Committee comprise
Mr J Dawson (Chair)
Mrs C Rees
Mrs Karen Ennis
Mr Lee Brown
This committee discuss Personnel, Finance and Premises issues.
The Teaching and Learning Committee comprises:
Mrs K Kells (Chair)
Mrs C Rees
Mrs C McCondach
Mrs Karen Ennis
Mrs Damaqu Kareem
This committee discuss Curriculum, Assessment, Data and associated policies.