Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Sleight & Mr Gibson

General Information

  • Our PE days are on Mondays this term. Children are expected to have their full PE kit in school everyday and will take it home at the end of each half term to be washed. 
  • We have our swimming sessions on a Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit.
  • Please can you ensure you read and sign the home school agreement in the front of your child's organiser.
  • Organisers should be in school every day and go home every night. Your child's organiser will be checked on a Friday for the amount of reads and will be signed by the class teacher or LSA. 
  • To contact your child’s class teacher, please log on to Seesaw where you will also find information regarding any events happening in school.


Reading and Homework

  • It is very important to hear your child read on a regular basis; therefore, the school requests that an adult hears their child/children read at least 3 times a week. When you hear your child read, please make sure that you record it in their organiser.
  • Spellings are given out on Fridays and written into each child's organiser so that they can practise them at home. We will then have a spelling test on the following Friday.
  • Children are asked to log onto Times Tables Rockstars at home to practise their times tables on a weekly basis for 20 minutes. 

