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At Granby Junior School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum with an emphasis on learning the essential skills of language, literacy, maths and science. These skills, vocabulary and knowledge can then used as vehicles to support learning in other subjects, as well as there being opportunities for the skills, knowledge and vocabulary to be applied across a range of other disciplines. 

We also value the broader curriculum, ensuring that every National Curriculum subject has coverage across the school year, as well as some other aspects such as THRIVE, SMSC and British Values. This may be on a week to week basis, or maybe in blocks according to how we have designed the delivery:

For example:

  • Whole class music tuition is done in blocks so practise and progression work best for the children.
  • Some art projects may be done in days/afternoons to better suit the medium in which the lesson is being taught.
  • We may have themed weeks to enable a richness of experience for all children on the chosen subject.

We acknowledge that many children have wonderful skills in the wider curriculum, and ensure that these children have the opportunity to shine both in school and in our wider opportunities with clubs and other planned activities. We also value the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that children bring to school from their own specialist interests, which we celebrate with them.


Our timetables show  an outline of the times and placing of subjects across the school week. These are subject to change for the reasons stated above, and for visits and curriculum enrichment events.

They should, therefore, be used for reference only.


If you are reading this as a parents and wish for more information about your child's specific timetable, please speak to their class teacher or message them on SeeSaw.
