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If you are interested in applying for a place at our school please be advised that admissions are dealt with centrally by Derbyshire County Council - you can apply for a school place online (see link below) or by telephoning:- 01629 537499, you can also email:-  Details regarding the County Council's admission arrangements can be found via the link below also. 


We would always encourage you to arrange a visit to our school prior to applying for a school place, visits can be arranged via the school office on 0115 932 2424 and you will receive a warm welcome!  We feel that the best people to tell you about our school are our students.  Our School Council representatives will be happy to give you a guided tour!


Our school is wheelchair friendly with disabled access, ramps and toilet facilities. If your child has additional needs and Granby is your school of choice, we will work with you to ensure your child has access to the full range of curriculum. Please see our SEND Information Report and Accessibility Plan.
