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Summer 1

Homework Year 4 Summer Term 1


By the end of Year 4 the children are expected to know and recall - at speed - all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. With this in mind, the Year 4 teaching team have decided that homework will focus on learning times tables. Times tables knowledge is often the foundations of maths and learning this makes a lot of other concepts in maths easier for the children.


In June 2024, the children will undertake a government multiplication tables check; therefore; it is vital that the following times tables are practised as much as possible at home.


Thank you for your support,

Miss Marshall, Miss Shanahan, Mr Benyon and Miss Shacklady.



Test Date  

Times Table  

Week 2

26th  April  

2, 5 and 10 x table

Week 3

3rd May

3 and 6 x table

Week 4 

10th May

4 and 8x table

Week 5

17th May

8 and 9 x table

Week 6

23rd May

6 and 7 x table


