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Swimming Performance 2018/19


Total number of year 6 pupils in 2018/19 - 78

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 1 - 78

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 2 - 30


Aquatic Awards Achieved


Aquatic Award 1 - 4

Aquatic Award 2 - 0

Aquatic Award 3 - 18

Aquatic Award 4 - 25

Aquatic Award 5 - 1

Aquatic Award 6 - 29

Aquatic Award 7 - 1


Total number of year 6 pupils who can swim 25m plus - 62 pupils or 81%


81% of current Year 6 swim competently, confidently and proficiently. 

72% of current Year 6 use a range of strokes effectively.

100% of current Year 6 perform safe self assessment in different water based situations.

Swimming Performance 2017/18


Total number of year 6 pupils in 2017/18 - 76

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 1 - 76

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 2 - 20


Aquatic Awards Achieved


Aquatic Award 1 - 0

Aquatic Award 2 - 5

Aquatic Award 3 - 29

Aquatic Award 4 - 13

Aquatic Award 5 - 9

Aquatic Award 6 - 20

Aquatic Award 7 - 0


Total number of year 6 pupils who can swim 25m plus - 68 pupils or 89%


Swimming Performance 2016/17


Total number of year 6 pupils 2016/17 - 65

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 1 - 65

Total number of year 6 pupils who passed Water Skills 2 - 22


Aquatic Awards Achieved


Aquatic Award 1 - 1

Aquatic Award 2 - 12

Aquatic Award 3 - 15

Aquatic Award 4 - 15

Aquatic Award 5 - 11

Aquatic Award 6 - 6

Aquatic Award 7 - 5


Total number of year 6 pupils who can swim 25m plus - 52 pupils or 80%

